Posted by : driou Sunday, October 20, 2013

 | 10/20/13 2:30PM |


Girl Fight consists of an all female roster as the name would suggest with various backgrounds and combat specialties to utilize in the available modes of play. It is a fairly accessible title in terms of the gameplay, and contains some nice visuals in both the character models and fighting stages. Its game modes consist of the usual arcade and versus modes found in most fighting games, as well as the option to play either on one console with friends or take things online. 

While Girl Fight is fairly fun, in my opinion it doesn't do enough to be an original title compared to the recent fighting games available at both retail and downloadable venues.

Anyone can pick up and play Girl Fight. The controls are straight forward and most useful combos only require a few prompts to successfully pull of. Button mashers are welcome too, if that's your preferred method of playing fighting games. 

What does makes the game a bit different from other titles is its use of the PSI powers available to each fighter in the game. Each fighter can equip two abilities that can turn the tide of victory their way a bit more once enough energy has been earned in battle. 

The PSI powers come in four different groups, with most either offensive or defensive maneuvers that players can use. Each of these powers can be upgraded with the game's coins currency, which are unlocked in various ways during gameplay. Aside from these abilities, coins can also be used to buy new skins for the fighters, concept art, and more background information on the female cast.

The game's accessibility and visuals are my favorite features of Girl Fight. They remind me of some of the earlier Cel-shaded titles, with Borderlands 2 being a more recent example. Most backgrounds on the stages are fairly static, but there are a few with TV's that show the action from afar, and a few others with Mechs walking around in the snow as you battle it out in the available modes. 

The audio was hit or miss for me, since I don't personally enjoy too much dubstep, but there are some fairly nice techno songs in the game as well. My least favorite part about the audio is the voice-acting or lack thereof. 

The narration isn't the greatest, and the eight fighters only have a few sound effects themselves like reactions to being hit or celebratory grunts after winning a fight. I'm not sure if this was for budgeting reasons since the title is available for $10, but I wish it contained a bit more audio.

Player base is another issue with the game. I wasn't able to test the online portion of the game even after trying for about an half hour to host a match myself. My multiplayer experience comes from playing offline which works fine, but there is an achievement in the game that must be done online, which may be difficult to get unless you have a friend who picks up the game and you create a lobby for you both to join.

The 'sexiness' of the fighters could be questioned as well, but it's not something that you have never seen in a game before. The fighters would fight right in with the female cast in a game like Soul Calibur or Dead or Alive, who all are fairly revealing to begin with. The game isn't very violent either, so the mature rating is mostly from the sexual themes in the game, so keep this away from the kids!

Recent Reviews

Overall, Girl Fight is a fun, ordinary arcade fighting game with nice visuals and accessible gameplay. For reviewing purposes, I completed the game in arcade mode with each fighter and played for a few more hours offline to see how the PSI abilities could work against another human player. 

I also spent a good amount of the coins on extra PSI powers and player bios to learn more about the fighters. 

If you're into fighting games and have some extra money to download a new title, go ahead and give Girl fight a try.

Reviews on are based out of a '1-5 controller' Scoring system. Purchased games by the reviewer contain no annotation, but review copies are always known to the reader via a review disclaimer.

Developer- Kung Fu Factory
Publishers- Majesco Entertainment
Release Date- September 25th, 2013
Price- $9.99 MSRP
Review Platform- Xbox Live Arcade

-Review Disclaimer-

A copy of the game was provided for reviewing purposes by the publisher

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