The PlayStation 4 is coming.
In fact, at the end of Sony's PlayStation meeting yesterday, they announced that the console will be available for purchase this Holiday season, meaning there will be some ecstatic fans hoping the unwrap the console from their Christmas tree. While the console itself was not shown, Sony had live demos of upcoming games being played with the new Dualshock 4, which will feature a touchscreen, and a share button that allows players to stream their gameplay to friends, as well as record clips and images of games. The system will be able to enter a sleep mode that reduces power and charges controllers at the same time. Updates and downloads can also be done in the background, and games purchased from the store can be played after a small portion of the game is downloaded.
Here's a quick list of the things that Sony showed:
-Knack - First Official PlayStation 4 game
-Killzone: Shadow Fall - New title in the Killzone franchise. Really impressive visuals we're shown in a live-demo.
-Driveclub - A new racing game that focuses on community and highly detailed cars to drive
-Gaikai - will use their streaming technology to allow the PlayStation Vita to play PS4 games
-Infamous: Second Son - New inFamous title coming to the PS4. No gameplay was shown
-David Cage (Heavy Rain, Beyond: Two Souls creator) Polygon demo - Highly Detailed character shown based off of new tech Cage will use for his PS4 titles
-Media Molecule PS move game - Cool Move title that brings creations to life on the PS4
-Panta Rhei engine from Capcom (Deep Down game) - Think Dragon's Dogma + Skyrim with incredible visuals shown
-Square Enix game engine demonstration - Shown at last year's E3, but Sqaure also announced that a new Final Fantasy game will be coming. More details will be shown at E3.
-Diablo 3 - Coming to PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4
-Destiny from Bungie- Will contain exclusive content for the PS4 version