Posted by : driou
Friday, December 21, 2012
Developer- Telltale Games
Publishers- Telltale Games
Release Date- November 21st, 2012
Price- $4.99 MSRP
Review Platform- Xbox Live Arcade
Nights Gone Bye

The final episode of the Walking Dead game takes all of what you have done in the past episodes and shows you the results of your choices. Everything leading up to 'No Time Left' results in the actions or decisions that you took as Lee Everett and forces you to see their dangerous effect. The conclusion to season one of this game is impressive, sad, and finishes as one of the best experiences of the year out of any genre that a game can be placed in.
If you've been playing since episode one, you know the drill: You'll be forced to decide on crazy situations that will impact the end and they happen pretty often in this final episode. Everything seems to wrap up pretty neatly, and there are things that occur that harken back to previous episodes that you may not have even remembered or recalled once they reappear in this episode. It's a great moment that happens and makes you want to replay the whole season just to see how things could have gone based on what would do differently.
The action-y sequences that occur in this title are pretty cool as well. Tense moments appear a bit more often than previous episodes, and lives may or may not be affected by it.
The visuals once again look great, and there is a nice variety of old and new locations that you'll visit in the roughly 3 hour episode. Places that we're mentioned since episode will be visited, so things will become full circle for players that have stuck around since the beginning.
You'll probably notice that I don't go into too much about the happenings inside the episode, mainly because if I we're to do so, it would ruin some players' experiences with the game. This game is something that you have to play first, and discuss later with others who have played and finished it as well to fully understand it's attraction factor.
If you've been waiting to play these games, now is the time to check them out. The disc version of the game is now availble, and offers up all five episodes to play. The game will also be discounted on Xbox Live soon and will even give players the first episode of the game for free.
Even if you don't watch the show or read the comic, you have to check out the Walking Dead game for everything that it does to tell a great story. Episode fives bids farewell to a great year of adventure titles, but it's success will bring forward more seasons and hopefully more games from others that really focus on relationships and making drastic choices.