Posted by : driou Tuesday, May 30, 2017

5/30/17 8:30PM |

E3 has always been a magical time for those in the games industry and eager consumers and E3 2017 looks to be no different. As a gamer, I look forward to the genuine excitement surrounded around the yearly event. From the surprises from the press conferences, to the games and interviews from my favorite developers, I always share a gleam of excitement to my friends as we've discussed the latest confirmation of rumors and what we saw as the next big game. 

This year, we'll have plenty of sequels and remasters to get into and I can't wait to see what will become the next new awesome IP to steal the show. Here's a quick breakdown of what I expect from the big three console platforms as well as what PC gaming will bring to E3 2017:

Sony - Big games, a price drop, and a surprise that will blow everyone away. 

Nintendo - Celebration of Nintendo Switch sales and a strong lineup of software for the new platform, all from their separate web stream.

Microsoft - A public look at the Scorpio console and the games that will make it a must-buy. I also expect for a price drop to come for the Xbox One console and a solid lineup of new games to play.

PC - A great lineup of multiplatform games that will focus on 4K resolution and exhibitors bringing affordable gaming rigs to the show floor. 

While E3 is partially going public this year by offering consumers the chance to buy passes to the event, much of the greatness will come from the livestreams available from your favorite gaming outlets. Geoff Keighley will also bring it with some awesome coverage and interviews as he always does. 

So, will greatness await from E3 2017? I believe so, so stay tuned two weeks from now to see how it all plays out!

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