Posted by : driou Saturday, December 31, 2011

It's almost 2012, and I just wanted to write a quick post wishing everyone a happy New Year and to briefly list my favorite games of 2011. I hope to make some changes on the blog for 2012, so here's to the new year!

1. Dead Space 2
-Pretty fun MP and great SP story

2. Portal 2
-Coop play was a blast and the story was funnier

3. Rayman Origins
-Awesome Platforming with excellent HD visuals

4. Dead Island
-Awesome Co-op and melee system

5. Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
-So much to do and very worthy of $60

6. Gears of War 3
-Great conclusion to story and fun modes like Beast

7. Bastion
-Great combat and unique narration

8. Resident Evil 4 HD
-Great HD upgrade and just as great as I remember

9. Deus Ex: Human Revolution
-Great Visual Style, Soundtrack and gameplay

10. Batman Arkham City
-Awesome combat mechanics and open world gameplay

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