Posted by : driou Monday, May 3, 2010

This week we have two Arcade games to look forward to. Zeno Clash Ultimate Edition is a PC game making it's way to Xbox LIVE this week. It is a firstperson fighing game and looks like it will be a lot of fun. Raystorm HD is a classic shooter by Taito and will makes it's way to XBLA on Wednesday as well. Check out more details below:

"In the land of Zenozoik, the city of Halstedom is ruled by a powerful clan, one which Ghat has betrayed by killing Father-Mother, the clan's leader. As Ghat, you'll have to face your brothers and sisters, insane anarchists and other enemies, in order to escape in this unique first-person puncher. The bare-knuckled brawl to reach the truth has just begun."

"The classic shooting game returns with the original gameplay and newly updated graphics in RAYSTORM HD. You control the R-GRAY, a fighter plane equipped with a lock-on laser system, and battle your way through eight stages. A variety of game modes includes Arcade Mode and Extra Mode, with four selectable planes including the untested new R-GEAR. Rankings can be registered, and replay data can be uploaded and downloaded online."

Look out for these games this Wednesday! (May 5th)

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